How to Get Ahead in Gardening

Last fall Nick and I made a feeble attempt at buying some tulip bulbs to plant in the garden, so that we would have some flowers in the spring. Really, in general, it is I who cares more about having flowers in the garden, while he cares more about keeping the yard looking relatively trim and tidy. Regardless, he accompanied me on my search for bulbs, so was aware of the fact that I didn’t find any downtown.

Then in the spring, we had one measly daffodil (sad) and a couple of tulips in weird spots that had been planted by the people who lived in the house before us. It wasn’t the end of the world, and we got along just fine without tulips.

However the whole concept of planting bulbs in the fall so they’d bloom in the spring must have stayed with Nick, because last Thursday he surprised me with an invitation for a drive to a place where I would find all the bulbs my little heart desired. He had researched it and knew exactly where to go!

So I got a variety of bulbs, including some crocuses, and he got a new rake. And while we were at it, we picked up a couple of packets of cat-grass seeds for Eddie =↑..↑= The whole fam-damily got something they wanted at the garden centre. Oh it’s the small things in life, right? lol.

About the title of this post …. Have you ever heard of or seen a movie called “How to Get Ahead in Advertising”? I remember seeing parts of this very strange movie once, though I can’t remember what it was about, except that the guy in the story had a little head actually growing beside his normal head. Very weird. Anyway, as you can see in the picture below, I managed to get a little head myself.

As we were walking the isles of the store we heard a cat calling out to us, but could not spot where the meows were coming from. Until this guy popped his head up to have a chat.

Thanks for visiting. My thoughts are with all who are on the east-coast and are experiencing the very bad storm today. I hope that you are safe.

xo loulou

(The place we went is The East End Garden Centre at 1395 Queen Street East.)
