The Lana Del Rey Concert in Toronto

This story begins back on the 7th of December, when I received an envelope from my friend Andrea in the mail.

Nick was watching me as I opened it, and when tears of joy sprang to my eyes, he said, “She got you good!”

Inside was a cute handmade Christmas card, enclosing a ticket to see one of my favourite singer/songwriters, Lana Del Rey.

Unbeknownst to me, these two had had secret discussions about this excellent surprise, as Andrea had to make sure that I didn’t already have a ticket and that I would be in town on the night of the show. During their conversation, Nick asked her to grab him a ticket too, so we could all go together.

Actually, this story begins much earlier than last month. For years now, whenever she comes over, at some point in the evening, we usually end up sitting in front of the tv with YouTube up, passing the controller around and, in turn, each selecting a song for us to listen to/video to watch. We go around and around, and can do this for ages, as we’re all big time music fans. And, inevitably, on one of my turns, Lana Del Rey comes up. I never fail to have us listen to “Young and Beautiful” and, more recently, “Lust for Life”, a duet with homeboy The Weeknd.

So, Andrea knew she was getting me something special with this gift, which was part of the reason I teared up when I saw it. It’s a wonderful feeling to be cared for in this way.

The concert, her “Lust for Life Tour” was at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto on January 15, 2018.

It’s been quite a while since I’ve been to a big stadium show, so that, in itself, was a fun experience.

Nick gave me a selfie-stick for Christmas, and this was the first time I was trying it out …

↑ Me and my loves. Well played photo-bombers. ↑

↑ A beautiful moment when everyone turned their phone lights on. ↑

A couple got engaged at the show, while Lana sang “Video Games” (… it’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you …). The spotlights found them as he was on one knee. They embraced and slow danced for a bit, with everyone watching them, so I assume she said yes.

It was a fantastic time that left me feeling high on life, for sure.

Since I know Andrea is reading, I can say right here, you’re a beloved friend, who I’m very happy and lucky to have in my life. xo

Thank you for reading,
xo loulou
