News and Meows


These two pals, photographed last Sunday morning <3I've mentioned before that Nick had a secret head-start on me in beginning a relationship with Eddie Boycat, and I am convinced that those few weeks of bonding are etched deeply into Ed's brain. Because his loyalty to Nick is strong and true.These guys met 12 years ago next month, while Nick was working from our home office and I was heading out toan office at Yonge and Bloor every workday. From what I've been told, one afternoon Nick found Eddie sharing the bowl of kibble we had been putting out for another stray cat in the neighbourhood. That lead to Eddie being invited inside, to sit with Nick while he worked.No mention was ever made to me about this cat who visited while I was out.Then one Saturday Nick called inside asking me to come out. 'Look at this cat' he said. And you could say it was love at first sight. man-and-cat-reading-paper-03



I hope you’re having a fine Sunday.

We got an early start today as last night we had set the alarm clock and woke up before the sun rose, to watch a hockey game. This was out of character for us, as neither of us is particularly into the game, but of course, this was no ordinary hockey game and Canada just won the gold medal in Sochi. With the whole country very infected with hockey fever this past week, it has been impossible not to get swept up in the excitement. The bars in Toronto were even allowed to begin selling alcohol at 7am today, something that’s been previously unheard of.

So we and the rest of the country watched the game, and I’ve surprised myself by really enjoying it. Here’s to trying new things. And now I might go back to bed for a wee nap.

xo loulou
