One of my favourite people and I just commemorated our Friendiversary! Julie and I met in a line-up 8 years ago and I’m so grateful that this cheerful person thought to turn around and say hello to a total stranger. It goes to show that you really never know when and where it is that you’ll meet the important people in your life.
Julie is a kind, trustworthy, clever and fun friend, who has always made time in a very busy schedule for us to regularly see one another. Also, during this miserable pandemic, a scheduled weekly phone call has kept our relationship strong at a time when nobody has really been able to see much of anybody.
I’m not the only one who thinks this lady is special, as she’s kind of a big deal, having published two highly regarded books of poetry, running one of Canada’s most popular blogs on the subject of knitting (Knitted Bliss, Instagram), and recently launching a new business offering really cute embroidery kits (see her shop here). All this, while being a loving mom to two young children and two cats!

This occurred during the pandemic, so, rather than going out as we have in the past, this year’s celebration had to be toned right down and done at a distance. She came over to our place, where we had a visit outside.

↑ My mister, Nick, came out to say hi and to snap a photo of the two of us. Thanks to Covid we were forced to keep our social distance.↑
About the Garland Made with Real Maple Leaves : This is a DIY I demonstrated 6 years ago in this post. For this one I reused the “twine chain” I’d made before and, rather than pressing and drying the leaves before attaching them, this time I used fresh leaves that had just fallen from the tree that morning. The drying process results in a garland that lasts longer but this “quickie version”, which looked nice for about 24 hours, was perfect for what was needed. It took about 15 minutes to make (because the chain part was already made).

Thanks for reading. I hope you’re doing well, during these strange and trying times.
xo loulou