Hi! We took a daytime drive to the countryside last week, stopping in Orangeville where I went to The Salvation Army Thrift Store and found a few treasures.
Also, I recently picked up a grab bag chock full of stationery at the Toronto Value Village recently. All I could see was what was on the top of the stack and a bunch of vintage looking envelopes, but, aside from that, I had no idea what the bag contained. For fun, I saved it to open in a video, so viewers saw what was inside at the same time that I did.
The main reason we went north was to go to some farm stands and pick up freshly picked produce for my mister, Nick, to can and to freeze. We now have a bunch of tidy jars of tomatoes on a shelf and some corn niblets in the freezer.
On the way up and then back down again, we passed through the charming town of Orangeville. We used to have family living there, so had been quite a few times before, but they’ve moved away now, so we were on our own. One of those relatives showed me The Salvation Army Thrift Store a few years ago, where I found one of my favourite thrifting finds ever (the acorn shaped cookie jar in this post), so I was excited to go again.
I found four nice items, that are discussed in this short Youtube video, where you’ll also see me opening the mystery bag of vintage stationery. I hope you’ll watch it!

While in Orangeville, we also picked up sandwiches at a bakery called “Son of a Chef”, which we took with us, finding the perfect spot eat them, at the side of a dirt road that edged a field of wild flowers. It was gorgeous and smelled wonderful. Oh, and the sandwiches were excellent. So good, in fact, that Nick was inspired by them a few days later, when my friend Stella came over for lunch.

↑ The Orangeville Town Opera House, built in 1875. Today, it is used as a performance theatre. ↑

↑ I didn’t get a photo of the thrift store, so here’s one gleaned from Google Maps. ↑
And now, since I mentioned those sandwiches Nick made, inspired by the ones we got in Orangeville, here are some photos of his version …

↑ Sandwiches (Gueyere cheese and vegetables, on homemade naan bread) made by Nick, and Quinoa Salad made by Stella. ↑

… and a shot of my oldest friend (meaning time, not age, lol ), Stella.

After lunch, Stella and I went for a walk around Toronto’s King Street West / Bathurst Street neighbourhood. I’d planned an interesting adventure for my friend and she ended up loving it! I mapped it out for others who might like to follow the same route, so you can see where we went in these two posts : Part 1 and Part 2.
Thanks for reading. It’s the Labour Day long week-end here in Canada. Regardless of whether you get an extra day off or not, I hope you enjoy it.
xo loulou