Hi there. Here are a few shots from Nuit Blanche which was on Saturday night. It’s “the annual all-night celebration of contemporary art” that has been happening in Toronto for the past 17 years, except during covid, where there are installations set up, mostly outdoors, all over the city, which you can see from 7pm until 7am. I find it to be a really fun event and have been out for nearly all of them, however, I missed last year and then really struggled with the feeling of having missed out when I woke up on the Sunday morning after it was all over. So, while there weren’t many installations near our home this year (they change locations every year), Nick and I still ventured out to see what we could see. Also, it was such a gorgeous evening out, with no jackets required, that we were keen to have a middle-of-the-night walk.
First we went to Stackt Market located near Niagara and Bathurst, where we somehow missed seeing the display I wanted to see, called “Tight Spaces”. FAIL!! It was jammed with people in there, though, and it was hard to walk around and I have a tendency to claustrophobia in crowds, so I steered us out of there. I did particularly like this coloured umbrellas display, though, which wasn’t part of Nuit Blanche.

↑ “The Umbrella Sky Project” by David Cornfield ↑

↑ “The Slinky” ↑
From there, we walked over the Bathurst Street Bridge (the first photo of the CN Tower was taken from there) and down to under the highway …

↑ “XO” by Nathan Whitford ↑

↑ eep, terrible posture! In my defense, Nick was not at all being serious about taking photos and I didn’t actually know when he was going to take the shot. ↑

Then we walked westward to The Bentway where there was this huge snakelike sculpture wrapped around the pillars of the bridge …

I know this following piece was not part of the festival but I like the painting someone did on this otherwise utilitarian electrical box …

We did walk over to see another exhibit but it was being held inside a building and the lineup to get in was at least an hour long so we skipped it. All in all, not that much art seen by us, however a fun night walking in the city we love, nonetheless!
Thanks for looking and wishing you a great weekend. We continue to have summertime temperatures here in Toronto! xo loulou