A Cooling Rain

I won’t get into a long discussion on the weather, as I know almost everyone in the world has a weather story this summer, ranging from stifling and unforgiving heat to so much rain and cold that it hardly seems to be summer at all! Our climate here in Toronto has been on the very hot and dry side, so when it finally rained last Sunday afternoon people were happy, even if it fell in the middle of one of our precious week-end days.

Here at our casa we didn’t let it stop us from hanging out outdoors. Literally one of the first things we had done when we moved into our home was to have a sturdy awning built outside that partially covers our deck. This was primarily due to the fact that my skin does not handle sunshine well, so I wanted some shade to sit under, but it also comes in very handy when it rains.

And rain it did … several inches fell in under an hour (see the picture of the metal tub to get and idea of how much, as it was completely dray before). And then, as suddenly as it had began, the sun came out again. Though we couldn’t see any from where we were, it was the kind of quick change that creates a rainbow! These are shots I took soon after the rain stopped …

Even our furry friend stayed outside with us, having found a nice dry spot sitting under Nick’s chair! He is so funny whenever there is water around. For some reason it makes him very vocal, so he was chirping and chatting throughout, as if to say “Do you believe how much is coming down?” There is a stereo-type of Canadians and how we like to talk about the weather a lot … and yes, even our pets get in on the discussion!

Thanks very much for visiting,
