Tomato Hearts to Decorate Your Salad
I wish I could say that it was I who first came up with the idea of making cute little puffy hearts out of grape tomatoes. However it was not. I’ve seen images of them floating around on the internet but can’t figure out who to give credit for this charming idea to.
Each one takes two grape tomatoes of similar shape and size. All you do is cut the top (where the stem would be) off at an angle, fit the two pieces together and pierce them with a toothpick to keep the halves together.
Nick is not usually into cutesy things, but he was quite impressed by these little decorations that adorned his lunchtime salad on Valentine’s Day.
I also added some of these cheese hearts to the salad, just because I could. Then the salad was dressed with this Creamy Raspberry Vinegar.
One might say that Nick was served a hardy lunch that day.
I hope you’re having a good Tuesday and thank you for dropping over.
xo loulou